November 9th, 2010
WHO: Karni (me) & Friends (you)
WHAT: A screening of the short film “Written By,” along with three other short films and a feature. And Goobers and popcorn.
WHERE: The NYC Horror Film Festival at Tribeca Cinemas (54 Varick Street @ Canal)
WHEN: This Thursday Night – 11/11/2010 – 8:00 PM
HOW MUCH: Tickets cost $16 and are available by clicking here. For more information on Programs, click here and note we’re in PROGRAM 1.
We’re so excited to see you guys!!
Tags:festivals·new jersey·NYC·screening·Written By
November 9th, 2010
Finally got around to editing that behind the scenes footage that was laying around, just in time for our 11-11-2010 screening at NYC Horror Film Fest. So if you were on the fence, we hope this helps bring you out for what surely will be a kickass night!
**SPOILER ALERT! Video contains scenes from the film.
Tags:AFG·behind the scenes·press kit·Written By
November 4th, 2010

“As a horror short, the film is true to the ambiguity and suspense that truly sells fear as opposed to just simple gore and surprise shocks. At 15 minutes, this could be a segment on a show like “The Twilight Zone” or “The Outer Limits,” and it works just as effectively.” Read More·press·review·Written By